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Metatron Hospital
Metatron Intruder
Metatron Well Being
Areas of diagnosis Diagnostic results Therapies Software REMOTE Diagnostics REMOTE Therapies Food |
METATRON REMOTE® Health Diagnostic Therapy System
Well Being Upgraded By Medicomat Ltd For Remote Mode
Why Us
We are the pioneers behind the groundbreaking NLS-diagnostic method and the original equipment used for its application. Our expertise and innovation have set the standard in this field. Any similar devices you come across are mere imitations, attempting to replicate our success.
Our NLS-diagnostic method offers a range of exceptional benefits. Firstly, it is completely contactless and non-invasive, ensuring the safety and comfort of the patient. We prioritize the well-being of individuals by minimizing any intervention into their internal environment.
Furthermore, our method is incredibly efficient, providing quick results within just 15-20 minutes of research. This saves valuable time for both patients and healthcare professionals, allowing for prompt diagnosis and treatment.
Portability is another advantage of our equipment. It can be easily transported and used in various settings, making it convenient for healthcare providers and patients alike. Additionally, our devices are affordable, making the research accessible to a wider population.
The NLS-method is highly informative, enabling accurate diagnosis even in the absence of significant organic changes in tissues. This level of objectivity is crucial for effective healthcare decision-making. Moreover, it allows for the early detection and monitoring of pathological conditions, ensuring timely intervention and improved patient outcomes.
What sets us apart from any other diagnostic system is the unique ability to actively control homeostasis. This is a groundbreaking feature that no other modern system can offer. By utilizing our equipment, individuals can take charge of their own health and maintain optimal balance within their bodies.
Choose the original, choose the best. Trust in our expertise and experience to provide you with the most advanced and reliable NLS-diagnostic method available.