Well-Being.software |
Metatron Hospital
Metatron Intruder
Metatron Well Being
Areas of diagnosis Diagnostic results Therapies Software REMOTE Diagnostics REMOTE Therapies Food |
METATRON REMOTE® Health Diagnostic Therapy System
Well Being Upgraded By Medicomat Ltd For Remote Mode
The Metatron system is not just a theoretical concept, but a proven medical device. It has been extensively studied in clinical trials and has received industry certifications. In fact, it is classified as a class 2A medical device and is certified in both the EU and the US.
To ensure the highest quality, we have obtained the International Quality Certificate ISO 13485, which is the industry standard for manufacturers of medical appliances. Additionally, we have the CE mark, which signifies conformity to European Union standards on product safety and human health. Furthermore, we have the FDA mark, indicating compliance with the Ministry of Health of the United States' standards on food safety, drugs, cosmetics, and medical appliances.
We take pride in providing excellent customer service. Our warranty covers a full 18 months, and we offer remote technical support to assist our clients. We also keep our clients informed about new products and software updates through regular notifications. Additionally, we provide all the necessary advertising materials to support our clients' needs.
We are committed to continuous improvement. We constantly update our software and enhance our hardware to incorporate new capabilities and adapt to different regions. Rest assured that the Metatron system is not just a theory, but a reliable and effective medical device backed by scientific evidence and industry certifications.